สาย HDMI Version 1.4 High Speed 1.8m. PS3 HDTV LCD LED Blu Ray 3D (UK)

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สาย HDMI Version 1.4 High Speed 1.8m. PS3 HDTV LCD LED Blu Ray 3D (UK)


" Available in BLUE " 1.8m HDMI to HDMI Version 1.4 Gold Plated

- Version 1.4 is the latest in the High Definition TV Platforms, required for 3D Televisions.
- Truesignal HDMI cable for transferring high-bandwidth, uncompressed digital video, multi-channel digital audio and control functions
- Compatible with HDTV and HDCP (High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) - the content scrambling standard for modern, advanced digital video displays and DVD players
- Connectors: HDMI Male/Male, Type A
- Latest Edition to HDTV Platforms
- HDMI 1.4 Certified.
- HDMI Ethernet Channel
- Audio Return Channel
- 3D over HDMI
- 4k x 2k Resolution Support
- Expanded Support for Colour Spaces
- 99.99% Pure OFC Copper Cable
- 24k Gold Plated Connectors
- Individually Screen Cable
- CE, RoHS Approved.
- Black Colour

Item location : Horley, United Kingdom

Link : http://voranatehifi.tarad.com/product.detail_0_th_3613919
website : http://www.voranatehifi.com/


ราคา: 990 บาทต้องการ: ขาย/ให้เช่า/แลก
ติดต่อ: วรเนตร ไฮไฟอีเมล์: 
สภาพ: ใหม่ จังหวัด: กรุงเทพมหานคร
โทรศัพย์: 02-906 8223, 085-684 5558IP Address:

คำค้น:  hdmi 1.4 |

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